Are you looking into joining a scout troop?

Do you want to have fun, learn new skills, and make friends? Join Troop 6059 today!

We are a friendly and active troop that meets every Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 8:30 at the First Christian Church on Taylor Loop. See the map here. Additionally, we are also part of a larger Scouting family that includes Troop 59 and Cub Pack 57, sponsored by the First Christian Church of Little Rock. If you are interested in Cub Scouting, you can find more information on Pack 57’s website, or contact our Scoutmaster Brad Chilcote at You can call or text him at 501-425-3940. The scout master for troop 6059 is Ember Fenton

We hope to see you soon at our next meeting!

No meeting Tues. Jan 16!

Troop Meetings will resume later in 2024

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Bowling at Prof. Bowl Today in West Little Rock - JAN 13

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PLC, BOR, Advancement

JAN 24th

Have all materials needed if any ready for Tues Jan 24th

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If you encounter any issues with the site, or need information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Contacts are available in the "Contact Us Section of our site.